Application Range from 4″ up to 120″ Pipe Diameter
The Rausch Premium enables transmission in Full HD with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels using copper cables instead of optical fibers. This is possible due to specially developed and patented VML technology. The result: improved quality of the inspection data and reduced running cost based on simplified services requirements.
Elka 600 HD transmits videos in full HD with copper cable without fiber optics. Max. cable length in connection with the Rausch-Tab: 300 meters
Top Equipped
The fully synchronized built-in premium model Elka 600 is integrated in the rear area of the CCTV inspection vehicle to save space. Elka 600 – the fully equipped cable drum can be used in conjunction with the Rausch-Tab control unit with up to 300 m of camera cable.
Specially Developed for VML Technology
ELKA 600 has an integrated 8″ LCD monitor and LED work lights. Thanks to the unwinding aid, telescopic swivel arm and integrated chain winch with a chain length of 20 meters for lifting and lowering the camera and crawler, Elka is perfectly tailored to different user requirements. It is controlled with a remote control, optionally with a wireless radio remote control, and secured with an electrical and mechanical drum brake.
Rausch-Tab is the new mobile control unit for Omicron push and drive, Cubix 300 and Elka 600. Thus, the solution for inspections of mainline sewers and house connections in Full HD. Easily detachable for office work. Multifunctional joysticks.